[IAEP] [support-gang] [Announcement] Sugarizer v0.4 is available

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho at hotmail.com
Wed May 21 13:00:12 EDT 2014

(SoCal-OSSIE folks… read the Postscript)
Lionel and friends… you have done such a wonderful job! 
I hope we can get lots of folks involved in sugarizing lots of the Sugar activities. It would be great if someone could write a guide to doing that for some of us who are "newbies" for this particular code. Maybe a little ebook similar to James Simmons FLOSS manual, "Make Your Own Sugar Activities." 
I personally want to see the Memorize Activity Sugarized as it has huge educational value. As part of an Android app or available in a browser, it offers the chance for teachers and students to create custom games for studying simple facts for any level and/or subject area… language, math, history, geography, etc.  You name it, it works!
I would love to help with this if someone else with a little more knowledge can point me in the right direction.
P.S. To SoCal-OSSIE folks… check this out! 
Maybe some of you will want to get involved in helping bring this excellent free, open-source, educational software (Sugar) to folks everywhere, whether or not they have access to an XO.

Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 14:25:26 +0200
From: lionel at olpc-france.org
To: sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org; devel at lists.laptop.org; iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org; support-gang at lists.laptop.org; UnleashKids at googlegroups.com
Subject: [support-gang] [Announcement] Sugarizer v0.4 is available

Hi all,


I'm proud
to announce the fourth version (0.4) of Sugarizer, a taste of Sugar for any




To remind
you, Sugarizer reproduce main features of Sugar in
HTML5/JavaScript. Sugarizer also expose these features to allow
running in a browser Sugar Web activities wrote
for Sugar 0.100+.

is available from a browser or as an Android application.


New in
this version:

 Three new activities:
  Tank Operation: a
      Tuxmath like activity, practice math facts in an arcade game,
  TurtleJS: a TurtleArt like
      activity. A taste of TurtleArt for any device !
  ChatPrototype: see below.
 Sugar compatibility:
     Sugarizer could now be used as a developer platform for Sugar-Web
     activity. So, developers could now develop Sugar activities only with a
     browser and a file editor. Resulting activities will work without any
     change on Sugar 0.100+.
 Improve Journal view: rename,
     delete and popup menu.
 Server collaboration:
     Sugarizer Server now allow each user to publish local journal content to
     the Server. Just go to the journal view and access to your private or to
     the shared journal zone. Plus, if you keep in mind your user id (in
     settings/server), you could use the same settings (name, color, language,
     private storage) from different computers.
 Presence API prototype:
     Sugarizer include a first prototype of Presence API and a Chat test
     activity. You could chat with all other users on the same server.
 Server connectivity to
     Client: The Android Client has capacity to connect to a Sugarizer Server.
     Just go to Server settings: check the connected checkbox and set your user
     id. You've now capacity to start your work on your PC then update it on
     your tablet !
 Improved Android experience:
     Lot of issues related to Android environment has been solved.
 API to server features: all
     server features are exposed as REST/JSON interfaces. So, developers could
     easily access to all server contents from any client (including, why not,
     the real Sugar journal).


you'll enjoy it and you could say: "Yes, I want to Sugarize the

Do not
hesitate to fork and contribute.




Thanks to Jorge (TurtleJS activity), Suraj (Presence and Chat
prototype), Ignacio (Spanish translation) for their contribution to this version.

For a visual demonstration of Sugarizer and this new version, you could see my
talk at SugarCamp Paris #3 here: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1rvdma_sugarcamp-3-sugarizer-what-if-sugar-could-be-on-every-device_school

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