[IAEP] Fwd: A protototype of SugarWeb / SugarAndroid ?

Lionel Laské lionel at olpc-france.org
Thu Nov 14 02:07:55 EST 2013

Crossposting to be sure that everyone could play with and comment :-)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lionel Laské <lionel at olpc-france.org>
Date: 2013/11/13
Subject: A protototype of SugarWeb / SugarAndroid ?
To: Sugar-dev Devel <sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org>

Hi Sugar lover,

I must confess that like other here, recent discussions on this list don't
inspired me a lot :-( Governance strategy or strategy of governance of the
future of Sugar and SugarLabs is not my cup of tea. Worse: I'm afraid that
this transparency could scare some guys here and so don't serve our global

My session at OLPC SF on Sugar HTML5 work convince me also that not
everyone put the same words on what Sugar Android, Sugar HTML5, … The same
things could sometimes means very different features.

So all of this stimulate me to hack instead of talking !

It's why I've decided to prototype a bit what could be (or could not be)
Sugar Web/Android. I've packaged all existing Sugar Web Activities (that
you could run of Sugar 0.100) and created a launcher that mimic the current
Sugar desktop. I've used also HTML5 storage to reproduce a sort of data
storage. Finally, Suraj is working on a way to simulate Presence using
webRTC API that I hope we could add it shortly to this prototype.

Here is the result as a Web Site:

http://olpc-france.org/tmp/sugarwebui (Chrome browser need)

Or as an Android app:

http://olpc-france.org/download/org.olpc-france.sugarweb.apk (To be use on
a tablet)

An image is viewable here:

This work has no vocation to become the Sugar Web/Sugar Android, it's just
here to explore technically and functionally this subject: a prototype is
often better than lot of words ! Hope it could help the discussion on the
list and talks to the Malaysia base camp.

Best regards from France.


P.S.: Source code is available here: https://github.com/llaske/SugarWebUI
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