[IAEP] Tech roadmap

Gonzalo Odiard gonzalo at laptop.org
Wed Nov 6 12:35:59 EST 2013

Clock, Speak, and part of Memorize use gstreamer just to do text to speech.
I would like to have tts provided by Sugar as a service, probably using dbus
and a api in sugar-toolkit-gtk3. That would simplify these activities and solve
other problems we have, like by example the keep the language names translated
and updated in every place.


On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I forgot a note about toolkits
>> * The gtk2 toolkit is deprecated and frozen but it will be supported as long
>> as possible (at some point I guess some dependencies might start
>> disappearing from distributions, making that problematic). The gtk3 toolkit
>> is supported, backward API compatibility is guaranteed, it's not going to be
>> deprecated in the foreseable future. The web toolkit is experimental, we
>> provide no API guarantee yet, when it's mature it will be the preferred way
>> to write activities (because of cross platform compatibility).
> The other one to add to this list is gstreamer. At the moment we have
> some support for gstreamer 1.0 and some (mostly gtk2) Activities still
> using gstreamer 0.10. The 0.10 release will be disappearing sooner
> rather than later (I wouldn't be surprised if this happened in
> F-21/F-22 time frame). I would love to see us be able to remove the
> dependency on two gst stacks, at the moment at least Clock, Speak,
> Record and Memorise need to be converted from gstreamer-python / gst
> 0.10 to gst 1.0 with Introspection support, whether this requires
> migration to gtk3 at the same time is unknown to me.
> Peter
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