[IAEP] Sugar 0.100 or 1.0

Daniel Narvaez dwnarvaez at gmail.com
Fri May 17 09:07:38 EDT 2013


we need to decide if we want the next release to be 1.0 or 0.100.

Here is the features we are planning for it.

* Develop an HTML5 based toolkit for activities

* Multiple selection in the Journal

* Enhanced support for 3G modems

* Background customization

* Multiple home views

* Integration with web services

* Journal comments box

* Icon customization

It's a bit of weird situation because code wise we are not really 1.0
ready. We are developing a new toolkit and the old one could use an API
cleanup. On the other hand we are deployed to millions of users.

Personally I don't really have a strong feeling. If the marketing team sees
an opportunity in a 1.0 in October with the above feature list I'd say to
go ahead with it even if from a developer point of view we are not ready.
Otherwise we could delay it at least another cycle.

Daniel Narvaez
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