[IAEP] Quick Question Re: Memorize

Outofindia outofindia at gmail.com
Sat May 4 01:16:01 EDT 2013


This suggestion is from Salil our local Sugar tech person in Goa India.

....... off my head I remember that the new Memorize version (not really
that new - has been like this for quite some time now) does not have the
'Create New' button from the older version. Instead there's another button
called 'Edit' or 'Customise' or something like that - I think it has the
gear icon that indicates user customisation. If you go there, the EXISTING
game shows up for modification - you can add/delete/modify existing tiles.
You have to use the same sequence of buttons if you want to create a new
game as well - just  delete all the tiles from the existing game and start
afresh creating your own game. One of the demo games can be used as a
starting point (saving creates a new entry in the journal - nothing is
overwritten, demo games stay as they were). Remember to give your own name
to the new game.



Harriet Vidyasagar



INDIA: 91-99011 66276

USA: 1-301-649-2240

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 7:30 AM, Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi...
> Today I was showing some teachers how to use some of the Activities with
> their students. When we got to memorize, we couldn't find the "Create new
> game" button. Tried for several minutes before going on to other
> Activities.  We were using 13.1.0.  Can someone tell me what we did wrong
> so I can help them use it?
> Thanks,
> Caryl
> P.S. Be sure you are running the latest Measure Activity for this. Thanks.
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