[IAEP] How can I Install Sugar on a Stick on a USB

Steve Thomas sthomas1 at gosargon.com
Sun Aug 4 17:39:25 EDT 2013


So I went to http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_on_a_Stick and downloaded
the ISO file, but it is unclear (to me at least) how to prepare the "live
USB" for booting.

My wife and son are taking a number of laptops down to an orphanage in
Colombia (along with one XO) and I would like to give each kid a copy of
Sugar (and Etoys-to Go) they can "own" on a USB stick.  There are about 40
kids at the orphanage.

So I need:

   1. Help/instructions on how to prepare the USB Keys
   2. Confirmation that the plan of having each kid have their own USB Key
   to boot on one of 5-7 laptops will work (of course I will do some testing
   before hand, but appreciate any advice that can help avoid problems.

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