[IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Sugar Digest 2012-06-23

Sascha Silbe silbe at activitycentral.com
Mon Jun 25 06:10:45 EDT 2012

Walter Bender <walter.bender at gmail.com> writes:

> == Sugar Digest ==
> 5. Daniel Francis, a youth from Uruguay, has joined Developer Team
> meetings and will be mentored by Sascha Silbe in reviewing patches to
> Sugar itself. A nice example for other aspiring contributors.

The nice flurry of new contributors led to a mix-up here:

1. Daniel Francis is (AFAICT) a youth from Uruguay. He has joined the
   Sugar Labs Development Team and already contributed a number of
   patches. I'm happy to help him as I help every other Sugar developer,
   but I'm not paying him. :)

2. Caspar Bothmer, a long-term friend of mine, is my new apprentice. He
   will help reviewing Sugar patches, with a focus on the upcoming GTK3
   port of sugar ("the Shell").

In addition, Daniel Narvaez has not only been rebuilding our buildbots
(as you already mentioned) and written a new build system (that I
unfortunately had no chance yet to take a look at yet), but also started
contributing Sugar patches.

Please welcome all three of them!

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