[IAEP] The Associated Press on Peru's OLPC project

Christoph Derndorfer e0425826 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Tue Jul 3 09:49:52 EDT 2012

Hi all,

just wanted to give you a heads up about a good (IMHO) compilation of the
broad spectrum of opinions about Peru's Una laptop por niño which AP posted
earlier today: "Peru's ambitious laptop program gets mixed grades" -

And since this is AP the story will be all over the globe within the next
24 to 48 hours (I'm already seeing it on TIME, Washington Post, Fox News,
and Sydney Morning Herald).


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) [www.olpc.at]
editor, OLPC News [www.olpcnews.com]
contributor, TechnikBasteln [www.technikbasteln.net]

e-mail: christoph at derndorfer.eu
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