[IAEP] SoaS Breakthrough!

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 10 19:28:43 EST 2012

Hi Folks,
I called Tom Gilliard today during his ski vacation (oops!) to get some help prepping for showing SoaS at SCaLE 10X Jan 20-22.  After we talked about several things I told him I had a "wild idea" that I thought the average non-techie teacher could handle.  Why not run SoaS from a Live CD and then save all the files you want to keep on a separate usb stick? This could include additional Activities downloaded from the Sugar Labs website that don't "live" on the Live CD.
Each kid could have their own usb and take it to any computer with the Live CD, run SoaS and open the files they saved.  If it works on an XO (it does, I have tried it), why not with a Live CD?  
Tom is amazing!  He took time out from his ski vacation to add this to the Sugar Labs wiki soon after we talked.  You can find it here:
I haven't tried it yet... want to make a new Live CD first, but I'll bet it will work fine.  Maybe some of you would like to test it too.  If all is well, it will be shown both in the OLPC/Sugar Labs booth and my Sugar presentation at SCaLE 10X.
I am probably one of the few people, if not the only person, on these lists who has extensive experience teaching our target audience (the average classroom teacher) how to overcome their fears and feelings of anxiety (believe me, there are plenty of these) and to actually use technology in their own classrooms. IMHO this could really be a breakthrough for getting Sugar into classrooms that can't get XOs.
Give it a try. Share your experiences. Have your kids/grandkids try it.  See how it works. Let me know!
Thanks! (and thanks again, Tom)
P.S. If it doesn't work right... lets work to make it work right! 		 	   		  
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