[IAEP] Sugar Labs Website Revamp IRC Mtg 1-8-12 11:00amEST(16:00UTC)

Thomas C Gilliard satellit at bendbroadband.com
Thu Jan 5 22:26:50 EST 2012

On 01/05/2012 04:10 PM, John Tierney wrote:
> Hello All,
> Happy New Year! As the New Year starts we are making another effort to 
> restart the
> Sugar Labs Website Revamp.
> Designer and community member Christian Marc Schmidt has put together 
> a Design Template along with a
> Sugar Labs Website Refresh: Content Document. These two documents 
> along with the work and content
> gathering done by RIT Co-op students Mike Devine and JT Mengel last 
> year will hopefully give us solid basis
> to start from.
> Our Kick-off IRC meeting will take place this Sunday Jan. 8th 
> on#sugar-meeting at 11:00amEST(16:00UTC),
> after the Design Meeting surrounding "Write To Journal Anytime" taking 
> place at 10:00amEST.
> Please join us if you are available-our key shortcoming last year in 
> our attempt was a lack of content to effectively
> create the new site. All help is Welcome and needed.

I suggest looking at :

  (This is a set of linked wiki pages to introduce teachers/students to 

Also the same content on a USB-stick for use; where there is no Internet 
available; on XO-1; XO-1.5 ; SoaS and Trisquel-sugar (and soon for an 
Intel MacBook)

I hope this fits in to what you want for the new wiki.

Tom Gilliard
satellit_ on #sugar IRC

> Because this is in the Building and Design stage please email me at: 
> jtis4stx at hotmail.com to get links to the preview
> documents if you are interested in being part of the process.
> Our First Step is to give Christian the Thumbs Up/Make Enhancements to 
> the Design.
> Our Second Step will look to get individual community members to take 
> responsibility in "Content Gathering Areas" that flow out of
> the documents Christian has prepared.
> Our Third Step is to execute Content Gathering
> Upon receiving enough content Christian will then commence the build 
> phase.
> We hope you can join us on Sunday and look forward to working with the 
> community to do this important
> work. Please let us know of your interest in taking part in this 
> important endeavor.
> Appreciate the Collaboration!
> John Tierney
> P.S. Please get into the hands of those who will be best able to 
> assist-Thank You!
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> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
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