[IAEP] SCaLE 10X Presentation "Slides" (link only... no attachment)

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 11 20:23:32 EST 2012

Hi Folks,

At last!  I have finished putting together slides from my presentation at SCaLE10X.  Since the talk was actually a "live" presentation, I was running SoaS, a browser connected to the web, and a presentation program all at once.  There were very few actual slides… it was the real thing!  I constantly switched back and forth to illustrate what I was talking about.

So, I went back and tried to recreate the experience with screen shots.  I think it came out pretty well and anyone who missed the talk will be able to get the gist of what went on.  Hope you like it!

Check it out: http://bit.ly/yiB0hb or download the pdf above.  The actual file before converting to pdf is over 60MB, too big to send as an attachment.

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