[IAEP] Sugar 1.0 Dreams; SF SugarCamp++ Oct 22-24 Invite

Adam Holt holt at laptop.org
Wed Aug 8 09:28:10 EDT 2012

We've come a long way baby...remember when Sugar 0.82 in 2008 was the 
be-it & end-all of open education?? :)

Now let's pray Simon joins us in San Francisco Oct 19-21 
(http://olpcSF.org/summit) and for SugarCamp++'s ensuing 3 days Oct 
22-24 (Mon to Wed) /you can help shape here: 

Subject: 	[Sugar-devel] 0.98 Schedule proposal
Date: 	Wed, 08 Aug 2012 07:35:54 +0200
From: 	Simon Schampijer <simon at schampijer.de>
To: 	Sugar Devel <Sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org>


I have been drafting the schedule for the 0.98 release [1]. We are a
bit late in defining it but things have been in flux for a while. We
normally follow the GNOME schedule and release every six months. This
time those of us at OLPC have ambitious goals:

- port the shell to GTK+ 3 and PyGobject/gobject-introspection
- make Sugar usable with touch devices such as the upcoming XO-4 touch

And I think these 0.98 goals are also shared by other key contributors
outside of the direct OLPC umbrella.

To make this possible we would need to extend the 0.98 schedule this
time and align with the OLPC one for the upcoming 12.2.0 release [2].
Releasing in September (i.e. following the GNOME schedule) would just
be too soon to meet the above goals, furthermore it would involve
freezing in less than 2 weeks time (we wouldn't be able to achieve
much at all).

Of course there are more Sugar users than the OLPC ones but it is by
far the largest user group and this is a big opportunity to bring
Sugar itself to the next level, having it ready for touch! So we
better take it.

For the next Sugar release (is that 1.0? or do we call it 0.100 :) we
can go back to the normal schedule and align again with the GNOME


[1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.98/Roadmap#Schedule
[2] http://wiki.laptop.org/go/12.2.0/Release_plan
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