[IAEP] For Sugar Everywhere, Google-ize!

Sebastian Silva sebastian at somosazucar.org
Sat Mar 19 20:46:22 EDT 2011

I know I'm really late in this discussion, I'm sorry.
I just wanted to say I've been thinking in the same direction as Jameson.
I was playing with the code of Status.Net Desktop application a couple 
of weeks ago:
http://status.net/desktop - its coded using the Appcelerator Titanium 
API, which
provides a single API for coding in Python, PHP, Ruby and Javascript for 
working with
Desktop items like Tray Icons, Notifications, etc.

I think the ability to program GUI items in html+css and code the 
callbacks in Python
would be pretty cool and would make life easier for activity developers
(or easier for users, if we succeed in improving activities's user's 

I'll study Pyjamas.
Thanks for the pointer.


El 17/02/11 17:41, Jameson Quinn escribió:
> In response to Sameer, I'm going to expand slightly on my prior message.
> 2011/2/17 Jameson Quinn <jameson.quinn at gmail.com 
> <mailto:jameson.quinn at gmail.com>>
>     What does Sugar have? A vision, a community, and a codebase.
> I should have said: a vision, a user community, a developer community, 
> and a codebase. We want to move forward; that means piggy-backing on 
> the progress of others as much as possible, without losing our 
> important assets. Don't churn the UI, so as not to lose our users; 
> don't churn the programming language without good reason, to keep 
> developers and code; but do try to hill-climb towards the largest 
> crowd making fastest progress. And that, in turn, means trying to find 
> the shortest path between us and stuff like Android, HTML5, etc., 
> which have large communities actively progressing on the cutting edge.
> That's the justification behind my pyjamas proposal.
> Jameson
> PS. while it's not really relevant, yes, I do have experience in the 
> field; I founded and taught for two years in a rural Guatemalan public 
> school.
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