[IAEP] [support-gang] FW: [OLPC Bolivia] No logro aprender Sugar / I cannot learn Sugar

Chris Leonard cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 20:35:27 EDT 2011

This discussion properly resides on sugar-devel, ideally as a follow
on to this recent thread



On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 8:09 PM, Nicholas Doiron <ndoiron at mapmeld.com> wrote:
> Mikus,
> My suggestion was Webkit because it has support and innovation in mobile and
> desktop browsers from both Google and Apple.  Browse is missing offline
> storage, semi-transparency, drag and drop, the interactive <video> and
> <audio> tags, and other features which I know developers want, because I
> wanted them for the Map activity.  Even Internet Explorer has these now;
> it's time for our web browsing to evolve, too.
> Sugar should put the browser on the same level as the home screen or the
> Journal.  It's where most users begin their classroom activities and store
> their materials ( on a wiki, or school server, but accessed through Browse
> ).  Even in offline schools, we were looking at Wikipedia, media, books, and
> graphs in the browser.
> --
> Nick
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Mikus Grinbergs <mikus at bga.com> wrote:
>>> When the majority of classes are using the
>>> Browse activity (did we hear something like 70-80% ? ) it sounds like it
>>> would be wise to discuss ChromeOS and browser-based applications,
>>> possibly
>>> using a modern browser such a Webkit.
>> I seem to have heard that the current Browse Activity does not even have a
>> maintainer assigned to it.  That is a problem of resource availability
>> Would introducing (and deploying, and maintaining) something like ChromeOS
>> reduce the load on the resources available ?
>> I myself run a whole suite of Browsers on my XOs.  For the websites I
>> normally visit, there is very little difference among these browsers (that
>> includes Browse).  In particular, I have found neither the Chrome browser
>> nor the Midori browser (which is Webkit based) to have better performance
>> than Browse (when Browse has a good Flash plugin installed).
>> [The joker is Opera - its performance varies - sometimes it's the best.]
>> mikus
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