[IAEP] Importing Photos to Etoys on Mac or PC, not running Sugar???? How To???

Steve Thomas sthomas1 at gosargon.com
Tue Jan 25 13:36:46 EST 2011

To import pictures into Etoys from Mac or PC:
On Mac:

   - Drag image file from finder window into Etoys
   - Drag image from Safari browser into Etoys (other browsers May work)

On PC:

   - Drag image file from Windows Explorer window (the one that shows the
   list of files) into Etoys
   - Drag from Internet Explorer into Etoys

Images can be resized within Etoys. Simply get the halo and use the "Change
Size" icon (yellow one in lower right corner of Halo).  To keep the aspect
ratio the same, hold down the <Shift> key while dragging.

Regarding image "file size" you do not want to use large high resolution
images as this will increase the size of the Etoys project (which for
deployment to XO's can be problematic).
One solution is to drag in the High Res Image, then

   1. resize it to the size you want
   2. Use the "Grab Patch" tool from the "Supplies Bin" to grab a copy of a
   screen section
   3. Delete the original picture you imported and Empty the Trash.

Video is a problem, right now Etoys only support MPEG (MPEG 1 and possibly 2
I think). There have been issues in trying to post and share projects with


On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 9:06 PM, Dr. Gerald Ardito
<gerald.ardito at gmail.com>wrote:

> Caryl,
> I am working on a MacBook Pro running OX 10.6.6 and Etoys 4.1.
> Just like in Sugar, I just drag the photo onto Etoys and it is imported.
> I do the same in Windows.
> Hope this helps.
> Gerald
> On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 8:11 PM, Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho at hotmail.com>wrote:
>>  Hi Folks,
>> What is the method for importing a photo to Etoys when working on a Mac or
>> PC?  I found instructions for doing it in Sugar, but not elsewhere.
>> Thanks,
>> Caryl
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