[IAEP] Fwd: [Sugar-devel] Transbot: An Interchannel IRC Translator

Taylor Rose (RIT Student) tjr1351 at rit.edu
Tue Oct 26 17:39:39 EDT 2010


Transbot is an IRC translation bot designed to be a tool to connect IRC
channels that are in different languages. Transbot is now in a state of
development where it will benefit from community feedback and testing. There
is a dedicated version of the bot that communicates between the following

#transbot-test-en, #transbot-test-es

Please drop by and check it out.
For more information about the type of feedback we are looking for and
transbot in general visit out wiki:
If you would like to leave feedback regarding transbot please send an email
    mrt844 at rit.edu or tjr1351 at rit.edu

Transbot Team
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