[IAEP] Fwd: Invitation: Apply to be a Mentoring Organization for GCI

Walter Bender walter.bender at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 07:08:48 EDT 2010

Anyone interested in helpingcout with this? Seems like a natural for Sugar Labs.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carol Smith <carols at google.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 11:10 AM
Subject: Invitation: Apply to be a Mentoring Organization for GCI
To: Google Summer of Code Mentors List
<google-summer-of-code-mentors-list at googlegroups.com>

Hi everyone,

Starting today we are accepting applications from organizations who
have participated in a previous Google Summer of Code (you!) to get
involved with our contest for 13-18 year olds, Google Code-in [0].

If you haven’t read up about Google Code-in, you can check out our
announcement [1] to this list from a couple weeks ago or read our blog
post [2] about the contest.

If your org has decided it would like to apply to participate in the
contest, you can fill out the application [3] on Melange now. The
deadline for applications is 29 October at 23:00 UTC.
Also, if you want to look over the rules for the contest before
applying to participate they can be found on the organization
application [3] at the bottom. They will also be posted on the Google
Code-in website [0] in the next couple days in other languages.
We hope your org will consider participating.

[0] - http://code.google.com/gci
[1] - http://groups.google.com/group/google-summer-of-code-mentors-list/msg/0985eedf9e464775
[2] - http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2010/10/google-code-in-schools-out-codes-in.html
[3] - http://socghop.appspot.com/gci/org_app/take/gci_program/google/gci2010/orgapp


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Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

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