[IAEP] "Make Your Own Sugar Activites!" is on Lulu.com

James Simmons nicestep at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 09:52:56 EDT 2010


I'm seeing the same thing you are.  I get the "Forbidden" page when I
try to do the free download.

While I wrote the book, someone from FLOSS Manuals actually submitted
it to Lulu.  She might have some insight as to why this isn't working.

One of the things I planned to do from the beginning was to create a
full color PDF for the book and donate it to the Internet Archive as a
Community Text.  I may do that later today.  I'll let you know.  The
PDF submitted to Lulu is grayscale.  The Internet Archive makes
donated books available very quickly.  I'll send a message to the list
when I have it posted.

James Simmons

On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Kevin Cole <kjcole at dc.sugarlabs.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> FYI: It claims the download is free but then when one clicks through
> to the Download button (two clicks to get there) it claims
> "You do not have access to the page you requested."
> (The first link is: "Also available as [File Download] Free" which
> takes one to a page with a big blue [Download] button.  Clicking that
> whether logged in or not yields the above message.)

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