No subject
Mon Mar 15 02:42:15 EDT 2010
"Aspectos relevantes a considerar en la implementación son 1) la demanda
de mayor preparación de los docentes, 2) el bajo porcentaje de alumnos
que puede llevar la laptop al hogar, 3) la baja conectividad a Internet
y a la red local, 4) la falta de soporte técnico y pedagógico en las
escuelas y localidades."
* demand for better teacher preparation
* low percentage of pupils who can use the laptop outside of school (~50%)
* lack of connectivity (only 1,4% of schools have Internet access, Mesh
use is very limited)
* lack of technical and educational support in schools
Additional findings are that the use of the XOs in schools drops of
significantly after some months, that the use is very often limited to
typing up texts written on the chalkboard, and that so far very few
impacts in terms of learning have been encountered (though that last
point could change in future evaluations given the short amount of time
that many schools have had the XOs).
I know, I know, some people will be more than happy to shot the
messenger here. But in that case I'd suggest that
(1) people simply ignore my ramblings
(2) read the original report (remembering that it's not Intel, Microsoft
or OLPC News but the IADB in collaboration with the Peruvian MoE who
wrote it)
(3) and then see what you think yourself.
Christoph Derndorfer
e-mail: christoph at
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