[IAEP] Weekly Infrastructure Meeting Reminder

Stefan Unterhauser stefan at unterhauser.name
Tue Feb 23 14:52:08 EST 2010

Weekly Infrastructure meeting:
Volunteer Infrastructure Gang (http://olpcorps.org/ ),
Sugarlabs Infrastructure Team (http://sugarlabs.org/ ),
and TreeHousers (http://me.etin.gs/treehouse/ )

#info Date: 2010-02-23
#info Time: 21:00 UTC (16:00 EST, 22:00 CET)
#info Agenda: http://openetherpad.org/pISqKnKxeT
#info Location: #treehouse on irc.oftc.net
#link http://embed.mibbit.com/?server=irc.oftc.net&channel=%23treehouse


#topic agenda
#info * last meeting
#info * aslo and RIT update - dfarning (http://activities.sugarlabs.org)
#info * bootcamp/sugarcamp at RIT? timeschedule?
#info * lightwaveVM update - bernie (dns://ns1.sugarlabs.org)
#info * zatoichiVM update - bernie/rgs (http://paraguayeduca.org)
#info * meetingsVM update - dogi (http://meetings.olpcorps.net)
#info * migrate pootleVM to housetree - unmadindu/dogi
#info * idea & access fairy
#info * eucalyptus and landscape discussion



Last Meeting:
Agenda: http://etherpad.com/vYY3lxcdrC
Log: http://me.etin.gs/treehouse/treehouse.log.20100216_1606.html
Minutes: http://me.etin.gs/treehouse/treehouse.minutes.20100216_1606.html

Next Meeting:
Agenda: http://openetherpad.org/VnVycULWZt

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