[IAEP] [ANNOUNCE] Sugar 0.88 --- Testing Day --- Saturday 13th of February

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Tue Feb 9 06:40:15 EST 2010

Dear Sugar community,

the preparation for the 0.88 is getting close and the fearless Feature 
owners are working together with the 'keeping-everything-together" 
maintainers to produce another release. However, this will only get a 
rock solid software with testing and bug fixing!

And, guess what, YOU can help to make this happen!

We invite you to join in this Saturday for our first Sugar 0.88 testing day.

*** When: Saturday 13th of February
           Kickoff-Meeting 1: 14:00 UTC
           Kickoff-Meeting 2: 19:00 UTC

*** Where: Channel: #sugar (irc-freenode)

*** Todo: Put your name on the wiki page [1]

*** How to test: We will use a Sugar on a Stick [2] image with the 
latest 0.87.x release. This will contain the 0.88 Features landed. The 
image will be present at the end of the week and linked on the wiki [3] 
page and announced on the mailing list.

This will be an asynchronous effort, hence "Testing day" :). However we 
will do two kickstart meetings. One at 14:00 UTC and one at 19:00 UTC. 
In these meetings we will give a short introduction to what to test and 
answer questions about how to get the image on a usb-key and of course 
how to gather the results. Instructions will of course be present on the 
wiki page, too.

*** Help needed:
I am kicking off this testing day, since I think this is vital to the 
success of the 0.88 release. We had problems in the last releases that 
testing did not happen at all or too late, hence bugs were found late 
etc. We want to advance in this regard.

To make this meeting a success help is needed in the following areas:

- Of course, testing. Join the testing day, do testing and follow the 
instructions to gather that feedback (bug report etc).

- Testing instructions: As described in the "Feature Status" mail, the 
feature owners have to fill out the "How to test" section in the Feature 
page before the testing day. This should be as detailed as possible, 
imagine what could possibly go wrong and how a tester could test that 
Feature without having the technical background and has not been working 
on that Feature for days, weeks or months.

- Follow up on bug reports: The Feature owners and bug submitter has to 
follow up on the bug reports. The final goal is of course to fix the 
bug. This is a little process that often takes several iterations to be 
done. Ideally, Feature Owners are present at the Testing day, too. To 
help gathering the feedback and answer possible questions. Please fill 
in the field 'Feature owner' [3] when you can attend the meeting and are 
a Feature owner.

- Running the testing day: We need people to help coordinating that day. 
Keeping the wiki page up to date. Being present at the kickstart 
meetings. Helping people to flash their usb keys, enter bug reports etc. 
Please fill in the field 'Coordinator' when you can help in this area [3].

Suggestions, additions, questions are highly welcome of course.


[1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.88/Testing#Attendees

[2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_on_a_Stick

[3] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.88/Testing#Testing_image

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