[IAEP] Laptops?!?

Gerald Ardito gerald.ardito at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 10:00:36 EST 2010


This email, and the whole project, is incredibly inspiring.


On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 1:17 AM, Adam Holt <holt at laptop.org> wrote:

>  By Carmina, one of many Haitian-American
> bloggers/entrepreneurs/educators/open sourcerers I met in NYC Saturday, *willing
> to Take a Stand for Haiti:*
> Laptops?!?
> My good  friend Mike asked puzzled. And  I understood his reaction because
> I had the same one at first.
> Haiti ’s children don’t need laptops; they need food, shelter, the basic
> stuff…
> I’m grateful that others have the skills and the opportunity to go to Haiti
> and help with those basic needs.
> I applaud their efforts and admire their courage: unfortunately, I don’t
> have the skills  or opportunity to do so myself.
> Almost a month has passed already…It’s time to build Haiti back!
> It’s not going to happen overnight and it’s not going to happen by itself.
> It’s starts with everyone doing a little bit, where they are, when they
> can.
> So I’m doing the little bit I can by actively supporting 2 organizations in
> which mission I believe in.
> What motivates and excites me about the One Laptop Per Child<http://www.laptop.org>/
> Waveplace <http://www.waveplace.org> project is its potential to impact
> the next generation of Haitians,  out of which future parents, citizens,
> mayors, senators and even presidents will come from.
> I see a potential to open the minds of our children to other realities,
> other worlds,  give them new dreams, broader horizons.
> So last Saturday at a CrisisCamp <http://www.crisiscommons.org> in NYC,
> when I heard Adam Holt and Allison Bland, exhausted from an early morning
> train ride from Boston to NY
> talked enthusiastically about this project I saw a chance to make a
> difference.
> No matter how small my part would be.
> Then I witnessed something awesome:  people were gathering around them,
> coming together, rallying around this project.
> The ideas started flowing,  out of the box ideas.
> Suddenly, a simple translation project request became a movement to
> revolutionize the educational system  in Haiti.
> 2 days later, we have a coloring book project under way, translation
> parties in the works, blogs, websites, publishers/authors
> willing to giving us permission to make their children Creole books into
> e-books, an active and growing online community of a people exchanging ideas
> and
> ready to make a difference in anyway they can. Wow! If we can do that in 2
> days, what can we do in 1 week, 1 month, 1 year!
> Yes, I realize that it’s a drop in the ocean, but if you could even
> indirectly impact the future of 1 child of Haiti,
> Would it not have been worth your while?
> You can help!
> Join our community at The New Haiti Project<http://newhaitiproject.ning.com/group/onelaptopperchildwaveplaceproject>
> .
> Donate 1 hour of your time to translate material from English to Creole
> Start here: http://translate.sugarlabs.org/ht/<http://translate.sugarlabs.org/>
>  [ Originally published at: http://RaiseUpHaiti.com - *Rebuilding Haiti by
> Educating its Future Leaders* ]
> [ Carmina is now translation volunteer coordinator for:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Haitian_Creole_Translation_for_Education ]
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> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
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