[IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] Long-term support for Sugar

Bernie Innocenti bernie at codewiz.org
Wed Sep 23 14:27:39 EDT 2009

El Wed, 23-09-2009 a las 13:44 -0400, Bill Bogstad escribió:
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Bernie Innocenti <bernie at codewiz.org> wrote:
> >...
> >
> > Right.  One way around it is using Alien, which I already proposed.
> > Another "solution" is to admit that kids running incompatible distros
> > will be unable to exchange activities -- period.  It would be quite a
> > rare scenario in the field.
> Depends on what you define as 'field'.  If you mean
> national/province/whole school XO (or maybe SoaS) deployments.
> It will be practically never.  If you mean: meetups, gruops of home
> schoolers, Sugar days at the local museum/zoo/etc. i.e.
> grassroots events, then it's going to be a lot more common.  In fact,
> given how many releases there have been for the
> XO and other Sugar delivery methods; I suspect that any meeting of
> this type will not be all the same base system.

Making these multi-platform scenarios interoperate reliably would be a
very hard problem.  Frankly, I don't think we're ever get around to do
it, considering that there are plenty of more urgent things to do and we
have very few core developers.

Either we declare that there exists only One True Sugar Distribution
running on One True Hardware Platform -- which is exactly the opposite
of expanding the base for Sugar -- or we accept the increased complexity
that comes from a real multiplatform scenario.  Luckily, tools to deal
with such complexity already exist on the free software shelf.

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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