[IAEP] [ANNOUNCE] Road to Sucrose 0.86 - status report (2)

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Tue Sep 15 07:43:27 EDT 2009


we are making good progress towards our release. Here are some status 

b) Release notes:
- I have started the work here: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.86/Notes
- Fructose activity authors have been invited to use the template [1] 
and add their individual notes [2].

[1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.86/Activity_Template
[2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.86/Notes#Fructose_2

c) Make rpms:
- Fedora 12 rpms are done (all Sucrose)

Aleksey reports:
- Latest packages for Ubuntu karmic can be tried out at: 
https://launchpad.net/~alsroot/+archive/sugar-0.86, instructions are at: 

- 0.86 is available for Gentoo as well, instructions are at 

d) Sebastian is working on a new Soas release, stay tuned for an 

e) Announce widely as soon as possible:
Please jump in here.

f) Triaging: So far nobody has been found to lead this error. Thanks to 
Tomeu, Aleksey we were able to assign a milestone to each Sucrose bug 
yesterday. We started to set priorities as well and identified the ones 
that should be fixed first.

Triaging is an ongoing effort, so help is still more then needed!

Check out the constant bug workflow of Gary for example. He does not 
only file bugs, he follows up on questions from the developers and he 
helps triaging. A good start is to follow up on the bugs you filed, see 
if it is still valid, if the developer has requested more information 
and to follow up on bugs assigned to you.

g) Testing plans:
A new policy has been added. As we are in our critical phase to 
stabilize the 0.86 release (less than 1 week to go) [1], we request 
every bug fix to be tight to a ticket including a testing plan [2]. You 
can help to aggregate those testing plans.

[1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.86/Roadmap#Schedule
[2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Development_Team/Release#Stabilizing

h) Testing teams
Do we have any teams here, besides the awesome Wellington NZ testing team?

i) Bug-fix team
Help is always welcome here, too!

j) Plan the bug fix releases
...to be done!

On behalf of the Sugar community,
    Your release team

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