[IAEP] turtle art clean request

Bill Kerr billkerr at gmail.com
Sat Sep 12 02:57:56 EDT 2009

it would be good to have a tile that only cleaned the graphics and kept the
other setting such as current pen thickness, colour, turtle position,
heading etc
logowriter had a
rg reset graphics which acted like the TA clean
and a
clean which acted like I'm suggesting in my first line, other settings not
being reset

for example
I wanted to write a procedure that showed the number of the colour as the
colour changed by changing the heading, for instance

I can do that but it would be much easier and initially more understandable
for students if there was a clean that kept other settings

it would even better still if there was a separate way to erase show while
the procedure was running

( I haven't looked at the python yet )

How to do it with the current TA
store in box1: 0
repeat 90
 setpensize 10
 right box1
 set color heading
 show heading
 forward 100
 back 100
 wait 10
 store in box1: box1 + 1
 clean (everything resets)

How to do it with a clean that cleans graphics but keeps other settings:
 setpensize 10
repeat 90
  forward 100
  back 100
  right 1
  set color heading
  show heading
  wait 10
  clean (only the graphics are cleaned)

The ability to see how heading works concretely in action and to program
this fairly easily would make a difference as to the percentage of students
who grasp the concept
Actually for a while there I thought that setpensize was broken because I
didn't realise that clean was a total reset
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