[IAEP] Electricity and magentism

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Thu Sep 10 03:16:04 EDT 2009

On 10.09.2009, at 02:02, Caroline Meeks wrote:

> At GPA we will be working with the 4th grade. Their fall science  
> topic is Electricity and magentism.
> We have the GCompris activity: GCompris Electric 11
> Any other suggestions?

This is higher-level than electromagnetism, but maybe still relevant  
(and fun to play with anyway):

In Etoys, go to "Gallery of Projects", then "ComputerLogicGame" (3rd  
item in 3rd row I think). This is simulating wired logic gates in a  
very simple manner, representing the on/off state by a color. E.g. the  
yellow rectangle is "on", while the piece of wire is "off":

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Moving the wire's red dot over the source switches it on, too:

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As you can see this does not require a closed circuit so it is not a  
simulation at the electrical level.

The example shows an inverter's (Not gate) script, and this is  
actually the only code for this object:

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If the kids had prior experience with Etoys they could build this on  
their own from scratch pretty easily.

- Bert -

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