[IAEP] [SoaS] Important Schedule Changes - Please Read!

Sebastian Dziallas sebastian at when.com
Tue May 26 08:16:27 EDT 2009

Hi everybody,

please read this carefully, as it concerns major schedule changes 
regarding our upcoming Sugar on a Stick release in the end of June.

The original plan was have a Release Candidate based on F11 Final and 
Sugar 0.84 at that time and a Final Version later in Q3. After serious 
consideration, it looks way more sensible to do the following:

=> Omit the RC release and replace it with our Final Release!

This means that Sugar on a Stick is going be released in June, on 
2009-06-24. Now, why? Well, there were quite some reasons:

* Fedora 11 will be released on June 2 and Sugar 0.84 has already had 
it's release some time ago. By moving our final release later into the 
year, we'd be either forced to use some outdated or unstable components, 
as the next major Sugar version will be 0.86, which is targeted for 
Fedora 12. We're preventing this by having our release now just a month 
after F11's.

* It helps us a lot to get feedback from students over the summer break, 
so that we're increasing the likelihood of gaining more users.

* Sugar on a Stick is rather stable right now - I'll outline this in a 
separate e-mail!

The updated roadmap is located here: 

Package Maintainers will receive reminders to update their RPM packages 
soonish! Again, please make sure to follow the deadlines. The last date 
for changes is 2009-06-10. Afterwards, dev team's approval is required.

Please contact me with any concerns you may have - also off-list, if needed!

Best Regards,
--Sebastian Dziallas

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