[IAEP] Reflections on giving a Sugar Demo

Deborah White flickatomte at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 23:44:49 EDT 2009

As a participant in Caroline and Walter's presentation, I agree with almost
everything they said.  However, the lecture/demo was helpful while waiting
to get Sugar working on my machine.  The Orientation piece, like Caroline
listed, would have been very helpful - (us older folks need a bit of
direction to be constructivist :) ) - it could have been delivered via a
presentation or through a video.  But either way it should be available
after a workshop for reference, reteaching, and sharing with others.
Another helpful piece would be a poster/grid explaining the icons.  Yes, the
kids will figure them out, but the adults need to feel a certain level of
comfort with the icons.

As a second grade teacher, I love the balance between pre-made activities
and creation of new activities.  The education possibilities are amazing
with that balance!  I can't wait to explore all the options.

I would be interested in having Sugar on a Stick work in a K12LTSP
environment as well as having clear, non-technical directions for using it
on other platforms.

Thanks again for all your hard work and for such an amazing product!

Deborah White
Asa C. Adams School
Orono, ME 04473
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