[IAEP] the SoaS term

Chris Ball cjb at laptop.org
Thu Jun 18 17:56:32 EDT 2009


   >> I completely disagree.
   >> To me, SoaS is a specific distribution coined by Sugar
   >> enthusiasts (who happen to also most/all of them also to be
   >> Sugar developers).

   > I disagree as well.  I'm quite satisfied with SugarLabs' support
   > and usage of the SoaS .ISO as produced by sdz and its team,
   > especially because the largest distributor of Sugar continues to
   > use the same base distro on its laptops.

Disagreement thirded.  "Sugar on a Stick" is a reasonable proper noun;
it's not like "Fedora on a Stick" or "openSUSE on a Stick" are in use,
which would be a convincing argument towards the phrase being generic.
I think that one of the reasons the name was chosen was due to the pun
of a lollipop being "sugar on a stick", so the name's specific to
Sugar in that way.

I think SoaS has been widely understood to refer to a set of popular
Fedora builds that Sugar Labs (rather than a distribution) creates
itself, as a product.  It might have been good to pick a different
name in the beginning, but it doesn't seem like it's worth changing
that now.

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>

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