[IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Getting data about the upgrading older machines and SoaS responsiveness.

Luke Faraone luke at faraone.cc
Sun Jun 7 19:00:28 EDT 2009

On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 18:43, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> wrote:

>  >It sound like another great, low impact (I am trying to think of a term
> >like 'carbon foot print' to properly reflect the impact) way of
> >bringing LTSP into the class room.
> "polite" or "gentle" perhaps?
> or "non-invasive"?  Emphasizing what is avoided: invading - potentially
> taking over, accidentally or on purpose, the computers

Granted, you would *need* to check with your local systems administrator
before implementing LTSP. (as opposed to a lower-risk USB-local-booting
solution) At my school, for example, netbooting a workstation starts the
"recloning" process of loading a new Windows XP image; setting up LTSP
without asking would cause major problems with their work.
Luke Faraone
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