[IAEP] Design for a.sl.o and sugarlabs

,Josh williams joshcwilliams at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 11:10:50 EST 2009

Hi, I'm working on the design of sugar labs add-ons with Mick Weiss. 
I've created a mock up at http://sugarlabs.org/go/AddonsPortal/Design 
but I've haven't been able to contact anyone on the design team as of 
yet. I would also like to volunteer some of my time for other projects. 
I'm primarily a front-end designer with XHTML/CSS JavaScript skills, but 
I also know some PHP/MySQL and have a background in Linux. I also enjoy 
creating icons, so if there are any activities developers that need 
icons please contact me. My portfolio is over at http://tucsonlabs.com .

If you're a member of the design team or have some use for my skills, 
please let me know.



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