[IAEP] irc logs

Mel Chua mel at melchua.com
Tue Feb 3 12:35:15 EST 2009

> Contention: nobody interested in comprehending the logs will not have
> (or be granted) a shell account from which they can just run irssi and
> take care of the logging themselves.

 +1 to this.

I submit that people will generally be interested in two things: old meeting
notes (going back to before they began participating, perhaps), and logs for
channels they're interested in starting from the time they were
participating. So I counterpropose that:

(1) Meetbot (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Meetbot - should make a parallel SL
wiki page) is continued to be used for autologging of meetings, both planned
and unplanned (it doesn't seem to have a robots.txt, though - should there
be one?)

(2) Instructions on how anyone can set up private logging (including "how
you get a shell account," if that's the case) be posted on the wiki
(alongside the list of IRC channels, as on
http://sugarlabs.org/go/IRC#IRC_Chat or a separate page)

That should enable people to have access to the subset of info that they
care about, plus resolve logging/privacy concerns.

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