[IAEP] Video Editor for the XO?

Edward Cherlin echerlin at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 14:24:06 EST 2009

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 11:02, Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi SG and Sugar Labs folks...
> Some time ago I asked about the possibility of a video editor for Sugar. I
> think someone might have been working on one then, but haven't heard
> anything about it for a long time. Now there is interest again in Latin
> America. I am translating the dialogue below and the original text is below
> that.
> What is the status of the video editor project?  It would be really nice to
> have one.

You can edit videos in Smalltalk, hence in Etoys and Scratch. Alan Kay
has talked about this on this list.

> Caryl
> ___________________________________________________________
> Translated message from the Sur list:
> Question from Mariana Herrera:
> Does anyone know if a video editor exists for the XO?
> Is it possible for  the children to edit the videos they take with their
> computers?
> An answer from Horacio Calleros:
> It appears that the project Colingo (a video editor) has not continued. Test
> to see if this online editor is useful: http://youmashtube.com/
> ________________________________
> Original message in Spanish:
> Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:22:06 -0200
> From: horacio.calleros at gmail.com
> To: olpc-sur at lists.laptop.org
> Subject: Re: [Sur] Editor de videos en la Xo?
> Parece ser que el proyecto de Colingo (editor de video) que no se continuó.
> Probá si http://youmashtube.com/ editor en línea te es útil.
> Cómo te fue en las clases???;
> Saludos, nos vemos pronto o en el 2010.
> El 9 de diciembre de 2009 22:44, Mariana Herrera <mariana.h73 at gmail.com>
> escribió:
> Alguien sabe si existe algún editor de videos para las Xo?
> Es posible que los niños puedan editar los videos que toman en sus
> computadoras?
> Gracias.
> --
> Mariana Herrera
> _______________________________________________
> Lista olpc-Sur
> olpc-Sur at lists.laptop.org
> http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-sur
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP at lists.sugarlabs.org
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Edward Mokurai (默雷/धर्ममेघशब्दगर्ज/دھرممیگھشبدگر ج) Cherlin
Silent Thunder is my name, and Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, the Truth my destination.

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