[Its.an.education.project] Cleaning up the activities page

Bernie Innocenti bernie at codewiz.org
Tue May 6 15:03:51 CEST 2008

Alfonso de la Guarda wrote:
> Agree.  With 25 years in development and technologies, the wiki 
> maintenaince still seems confusing to me (well... i have not dedicated 
> enough time to learn it).  Surely we need a CMS and -probably- a project 
> manager which allows a better "face" to the people.

So it's 2 vs 1 now :-)

If the general consensus is for using a CMS, and there are people
willing to maintain it, I'll be glad to install it and do the
initial configuration.

Meanwhile, I have been installing Mediawiki on our new domain
and I'm populating it with the Sugar pages from wiki.laptop.org.
Do we all agree that a wiki would be needed regardless of what
we do for our public-facing web site?

I've chosen MediaWiki not because I like it the most (I don't) or
because I know it better (I don't), but because we want to seed it
with existing wiki pages and this was the easiest way.

  _| o |  Bernie Innocenti - http://www.codewiz.org/
  \|_X_|  "It's an education project, not a laptop project!"

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