[Its.an.education.project] Sugar talk at PyCon Due

Richard M Stallman rms at gnu.org
Sat May 3 10:09:40 CEST 2008

    The big story in the tech community, widely quoted, is Slashdot |
    Negroponte vs. Open-Source Fundamentalists

What nonsense!  The idea of an "open-source fundamentalist"
is as absurd as a "crusading Democrat".  The whole point of
open source was to avoid talking about ethics.


    It presents the two sides, although there are many more Linux
    advocates there than Microsoft advocates.

The system used on the XO is GNU, with Linux as the kernel.
Anyone calling it "Linux" is ignorant or worse.
See http://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.html.

That URL is the URL of the slashdot article, and usually
those comment on an article that appeared elsewhere.
In the past, when I tried try to fetch the slashdot URL with wget,
I got only the comments, not the article.

Could you be so kind as to tell me the URL of the article itself?
(If you email me the text, that will speed things; otherwise
I will send mail to a demon that will fetch it, but that will
cause a half-day delay.)

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