[IAEP] courses.sugarlabs.org coming -- eventually

Seth Woodworth seth at isforinsects.com
Sat Jun 21 00:33:24 CEST 2008

I suggest that we don't require login to view the materials, should be a
simple setting?

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 5:32 PM, Edward Cherlin <echerlin at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 3:40 AM, Bryan Berry <bryan at olenepal.org> wrote:
> >        We are working on a moodle installation at
> >        courses.sugarlabs.org. David
> >        Van Assche set it up.
> Good.
> >        I think it will complement activities.sugarlabs.org well.
> >        Activities are
> >        developed at activities.sugarlabs.org and stable versions of
> >        them are
> >        put together w/ lesson plans, relevant reading materials, and
> >        related
> >        activities at courses.sugarlabs.org
> This will be interesting. We know that children learn best in ways
> quite different from those imposed in most schools, and in particular
> that children with computer assistance can learn almost anything at a
> younger age than generally believed. We're going to have to find the
> people who know what can be done, and those looking for even better
> possibilities, and thrash out the entire curriculum.
> >        here is what I have in mind for a sample course:
> >
> >        Class 2 Maths:
> What kind is that?
> >        Week 1:
> >        Constructionist lesson plan for teacher
> What can children discover? What guidance do they need? How do we go
> past remembering to understanding, and past understanding to mastery?
> >        Etoys activity
> >        python activity
> Math software activity
> Let the children program the topic on the XO in whatever software they
> like.
> >        Reading
> >        blah
> >        blah
> >
> >        Week 2:
> >        lesson plan
> >        Actitivities
> >        Readings
> >
> >        Week 3:
> >        etc.
> >
> >        thanks to Bernie Innocenti for granting us server space for this
> >        use. It
> >        is great having him here in Kathmandu, because he is just so
> >        darn
> >        helpful. Now we just have to get him a Nepali girlfriend so that
> >        he
> >        won't leave :)
> >
> >        Internally to OLE Nepal, we are considering having our educators
> >        Sunil
> >        and Kamana spec out a whole course in Moodle, then our
> >        developers and
> >        community members develop sugar activities for the activities
> >        that
> >        Kamana and Sunil have envisioned. These internal courses won't
> >        be very
> >        relevant to the larger OLPC community initially because they
> >        will be
> >        entirely in Nepali. I will have to bug Sayamindu and Bernie
> >        about how to
> >        intelligently sync courses.olenepal.org w/ courses.sugarlabs.org
> >        (mostly
> >        English?).
> Indeed.
> >        these are just ideas right now. Hope to have something useful
> >        working in
> >        the next couple months
> >
> >        --
> >        Bryan W. Berry
> >        Systems Engineer
> >        OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org
> >
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> --
> Edward Cherlin
> End Poverty at a Profit by teaching children business
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