[IAEP] Dell E Classic

David Farning dfarning at sugarlabs.org
Mon Jul 28 14:55:28 EDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-07-28 at 15:47 +0545, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> http://www.eeextra.com/news/dell-e-specs.html
> Seems like a nice platform for use in schools.  The _list_ price of
> $300 is also amazing: if true, it means you could get it in quantity
> for something like $250 or less.
> Has anybody contacted Dell to see if they'd be interested in running
> Sugar on it?
Are we ready to start contacting OEM?

The community outreach roadmap I have been working on:

 Engage Linux distributions.
 a. Make sure they are aware of Sugar.
 b. Help build a community within each distribution to packages Sugar +
 c. Help expand community include testers, developers, and translators.

2. Engage education focused distributions.
 a. Make sure they are aware of the packaging efforts on either .deb
or .rpm.
 b,c. repeat a and c from step 1.

3.  Engage the OSS in education community.
repeat a, b, c in step 2.


 1a. Ongoing - 
1b. Initial Phase - Working with Debian and Ubuntu.  Greg is working
with Fedora and Redhat.
1c. Will start when basic set of stable packages are available for their
parent distribution.

2a.  Initial Phase - Identifying and establishing contact with edu
2b todo
2c todo

3a.  Initial Phase - Identifying and establishing contact with
education communities.
3b todo
3c todo
This bottom up approach should augment OLPC top down approach quite

Suggestions welcome.


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