[IAEP] Distribution Summary

Greg Dekoenigsberg gdk at redhat.com
Thu Jul 17 10:36:12 EDT 2008

On Thu, 17 Jul 2008, David Farning wrote:

> Over the pst couple of days, I have been talking to Debian, Fedora, and
> Ubuntu about their use, Knowledge, and perception of the Sugar learning
> environment.
> Debian has some high quality packages that are mostly maintained by one
> person.  His efforts have been extended by SkoleLinux [1].  Skolelinux
> is interesting because they have strong grass roots support as well as
> the ability to work with ISVs. The XO live CD is a result of the
> SkoleLinix.
> Fedora has high quality packages that are maintained in conjunction with
> the OLPC packages.  Historically, Fedora has not had a strong emphasis
> on Education.  The recent effort success that they have had with respins
> is creating a groundswell of interest in custom 'spins'.

Very shortly -- as in, today -- I will be announcing a Fedora special 
interest group with the specific goal of servicing the OLPC community.  I 
will keep everyone posted.

To do a really good job of supporting Sugar on a distro, we'll need more 
than one or two people on the distro side.  My goal is to build a strong 
team on the Fedora side.


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