[IAEP] [FM Discuss] Book sprint aug 16-23

Seth Woodworth seth at laptop.org
Wed Jul 9 07:11:54 CEST 2008

On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 11:38 PM, David Farning <dfarning at sugarlabs.org>

> Seems like we have support for the idea of a book sprint.
> Considerations:
> Time - Version .82 will be released Aug 10th. Is it worth it to try to
> hit that release date?  As much as I would like to say yes, we should
> not push things too fast.  My key goal in setting up the sprint is to
> create a _concrete_ event where people can come together to and help
> OLPC.  Let's take our time and use this as a test run at community.

As much as I would like a complete set of documentation for Sugar, if we can
get the event done sooner it can ship on thousands of G1G1 machines.  This
is an important consideration.  Can we make a list of who could make it to
Boston in a very short period of time for a Sprint and decide from there?

> Location - Seth mentioned the availability of space at the OLPC's
> offices.  That would be great if it were possible.  The marketing angle
> of volunteers coming together to olpc's offices for a sprint would be
> great.

One way or another, locations will be had here in Boston.  Kim approved
support for the event at the 1cc office so long as both conference rooms
aren't booked.  And even spilling over onto MIT isn't that big of deal.

> The Big question is would Adam and Anne feel comfortable running the
> sprint on OLPC's turf.  Adam and Anne are the domain experts.   We need
> to give them the room to leverage the OLPC effort and enthusiasm against
> FM's experience.
> Participantes -
> Anne Gentle - Texas
> Adam Hyde  - Netherlands
> David Farning - Wisconsin
> Walter Bender - East coast
> Greg Dekoenigsberg - ?
> Others - ??

Might I also add Benjamin Mako Hill [Boston] (author of the Official Ubuntu
book and sometime OLPC employee), and Ron Hale-Evans [Seattle] (technical
author via O'Reily, Fellow OLPC/Sugar nut and Linux Foundation Employee).
Personally I've been the editor of my college newspaper and am familiar with
explaining Sugar internals in a non-technical way.

> I will gladly step aside to let a better writer take my spot;)
> Funding - Between $500 - $1250 per person.
> I'll do the leg work, but cold calls from dfarning won't be worth much;(
> Talking to book publishers-- Is FM interested in going that direction?
> How about setting a tentative date for Aug 16-23?

I would still like to consider *some* event sooner with the expectation of
getting it into the 8.2 build.
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