[IAEP] [FM Discuss] Sugar users manual

Seth Woodworth seth at isforinsects.com
Wed Jul 9 00:34:15 CEST 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kim Quirk <kim at laptop.org>
Date: Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [FM Discuss] Sugar users manual
To: seth at laptop.org
Cc: Walter Bender <walter at laptop.org>, dfarning at sugarlabs.org, SJ Klein <
sj at laptop.org>, Adam Holt <holt at laptop.org>, Christoph Derndorfer <
e0425826 at student.tuwien.ac.at>

Seth and others,

Sounds like a great idea, but it might miss 8.2 if you have to wait until
August for the sprint.  We should be trying to get 8.2 out the door... not
looking for last minute, new content. Depending on where we actually are,
there might be a lot of pushback that it missed 8.2.

But I would encourage the sprint... because whenever the manual is ready it
can emailed or printed one-off for people. And it can be included in 8.2.1
and future 8.2 releases. Also, what is the plan for making it available and
easily accessible in the UI?

We discussed a Help Activity - something we can put in the interface, easy
to find. What is the status of that? What can we do to make that available
as soon as possible? It would be great if the same team who is going to
create this FLOSS manual can first put one-two weeks of work (in July) into
updating Walter's getting started html pages to match the new UI.

Also, my suggestion for getting the help activity into today's build with
today's GettingStarted (8.1 compatible) pages is twofold:

1 - start testing out the process to get from webpages to Help Activity and
how to make that available for download.

2 - we can point people to that TODAY for 8.1.x builds; and then update it
for 8.2 in the next few weeks (again, sooner than August).


On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Seth Woodworth <seth at laptop.org> wrote:

> It sounds like this would be a perfect manual for inclusion in 8.2.0.
> According to Michael a modified getting-started might be most best for
> 8.1.2 in the short term.
> Seth
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------,
> From: David Farning <dfarning at sugarlabs.org>
> Date: Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 10:17 PM
> Subject: [FM Discuss] Sugar users manual
> To: discuss at lists.flossmanuals.net
> Cc: Education <its.an.education.project at tema.lo-res.org>, Samuel Klein <
> meta.sj at gmail.com>
> A introduction.
> Over the past few week Adam Hyde, Anne Gentle, and I have been
> discussing how FLOSS manuals and Sugar Labs can collaborate on creating
> the Sugar users manual.
> I think we agree that it would be mutually beneficial to work together.
> Anne and Adam have proposed conducting a Sugar book-sprint in August.  A
> book sprint is very similar to a developer sprint.  Floss manuals has
> conducted several productive sprints over the past few months.
> I would be very interested in bringing together the writers from FLOSS
> Manuals, OLPC and Sugar Labs to conduct a joint sprint.  Adam proposed
> getting together 5-6 core writers.
> The two biggest question are:
> Who is interested in participating? and
> What are the logistics of conducting a sprint?
> Adam, do you have a rough estimate on the cost of conducting a sprint?
> Walter, Adam do you have ideas where we could get funding for holding a
> sprint?
> thanks
> dfarning
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