[IAEP] Add Fedora logo to Sugar

Jameson Quinn jameson.quinn at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 08:17:34 EST 2008

> >> Small, highly adaptable and can quickly cover large distances by
> >> gliding. Worth considering if you want to stay with the "Sugar"
> >> name. I have a colleague who can help prepare an SVG logo if needed.
> >
> >
> > You must have missed some discussion:
> >
> > http://sugarlabs.org/go/Image:Suggie_glidie_3.svg
> But one more logo/mascot proposal may not hurt ;)
> Regards,
> Tomeu

As the creator of the first "sugar glider" proposal, I'd welcome
counterproposals, and might well vote them up.

Also, my proposal was more a mascot than a logo; it is a touch too
graphically complex for a logo. If people are interested, I could do a
simpler logo which was based on the XO logo, without fingers and eyes - just
ears, forehead stripe, wings (phalanges), and tail. The inner X would be
softened as with the later versions of my mascot proposal, including in


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