[IAEP] Library collections and content for Sugar by outsiders.

C.W. Holeman II cwhii_cplo at julianlocals.com
Sat Dec 6 20:48:35 EST 2008

I have just looked over http://sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs
The words "library", "collection" and "content" appear once in a section on
translating content.

I have posted a number of messages to this list in the last couple of
months related to the ease of outsiders contributing content for Sugar.
My personal interest was to find how to adjust my software, Emle -
Electronic Mathematics Laboratory Equipment (http://emle.sf.net), to
fit into the Sugar environment. I have run into a number of bumps.
Though I may be able to over come these issues they make it rather
non friendly to outsiders.

With all of the efforts in the recent months, content contribution is still
hard to figure out especially if one is not in the XO owners club which
is the case for most outsiders that have existing content that could be
used in Sugar.

Content creators are not software developers (normally). Where do
do they fit into the teams? Where does the documentation on adding
content fit into the wiki?

C.W.Holeman II | cwhii_cplo at JulianLocals.com  | http://JulianLocals.com/cwhii
 To only a fraction of the  human  race does God  give the  privilege of
 earning one's bread doing what one would have  gladly pursued free, for
 passion. I am very thankful. The Mythical Man-Month Epilogue/F.P.Brooks

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