[IAEP] Live CD collaboration problem

Morgan Collett morgan.collett at gmail.com
Mon Aug 25 04:03:27 EDT 2008

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 09:46, Bert Freudenberg <bert at freudenbergs.de> wrote:
> There is another gotcha - if it connects successfully to a Jabber server
> that is in "group mode" then it will not see any other XOs because each XO
> is put into its own group (we need Gadget support to properly create groups,
> as I learned on IRC the other day). That happens currently on the
> olpc.collabora.co.uk server, which many developers might still have set as
> default (like I had on my XOs).
> The simplest thing to force using the local network without server is
> setting a non-existent server name.

Good point. Another explanation of this is that instead of a shared
roster where everyone on the server automatically sees everyone else
in their "buddy list", it's just a regular Jabber server where you
need to explicitly add a friend before you see their presence. Gadget
is a server-side component which will provide services to future
features in Presence Service and Sugar to let you search for a buddy
who isn't on your mesh view (but is on the server), and then show
their presence if they are found.

I'll try to arrange a different server for use as a development
server, with the shared roster still enabled as Gadget isn't usable


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