David Farning dfarning at sugarlabs.org
Mon Aug 18 16:22:06 EDT 2008

On Tue, 2008-08-19 at 08:08 +1200, Martin Langhoff wrote:
> I've been doing quite a bit of work on Single-sign-on schemes in the
> last few years. OpenID on current webbrowsers is not a secure scheme.
> Until we get OpenID-modified browsers, it is a phisher's attractor.
> Look up Ben Laurie's dissection of it -- and for those who don't know
> who Ben is, look him up too :-)
Some links about Ben.



Martin, Seth is this something you would like to follow up on?  If not,
I will let him know and move the openid task from our todo to our
deferred list.


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