I am concerned about the status of the printing project for GSoC. The last update on <a href="http://materializingsweetness.wordpress.com/">http://materializingsweetness.wordpress.com/</a> was a month ago, and the last word from Vamsi on any mailing list I'm on was 3 weeks ago. If there are any hangups or other issues with the project, we need to know about it ASAP. Vamsi and Andres, please respond to let us know.<br>
<br>I myself am still away from my own house, so my own connection is intermittent. If there is a response to this email, I'd appreciate it if others could help deal with any issues that are raised, though of course I'll do my best as well.<br>
<br>Jameson<br><br>ps. Below is my log from yesterday's meeting.<br><br>[07:00] <homunq__> Hello, have I timed this right?
<br>[07:01] <silbe> i'd say so
<br>[07:01] <homunq__> (I'm not quite sure if my UTC calculations are correct from here...)
<br>[07:01] <homunq__> Anybody else want to run this meeting
<br>[07:01] <homunq__> ?
<br>[07:01] == m_stone [n=<a href="mailto:mstone@">mstone@</a>] has joined #sugar-meeting
<br>[07:01] <homunq__> if not, I'll start in 5.. 4...
<br>[07:01] <homunq__> #startmeeting
<br>[07:02] <silbe> unless there was a summer/winter time changeover the last few weeks it should be correct
<br>[07:02] <homunq__> um, no bot
<br>[07:02] <homunq__> OK. Roll call first... silbe bemasc lucian mchua .... ouch
<br>[07:03] <homunq__> that is not great attendance.
<br>[07:03] * mchua listening
<br>[07:03] * lucian is here
<br>[07:03] <homunq__> but I can't complain, as I missed last week myself.
<br>[07:03] <silbe> last week wasn't really better :-/
<br>[07:04] * bemasc is here
<br>[07:04] <homunq__> OK, well, let's start anyway.
<br>[07:04] == subzero [n=<a href="mailto:Miranda@">Miranda@</a>] has joined #sugar-meeting
<br>[07:04] <silbe> who do you want first?
<br>[07:04] <homunq__> welcome subzero
<br>[07:04] <subzero> hi guys
<br>[07:05] <silbe> ok, i'd suggest subzero to go first
<br>[07:05] <homunq__> any word from bryan if he can come?
<br>[07:05] <subzero> homunq__: hi
<br>[07:05] <silbe> IIRC he's always having network issues
<br>[07:05] <homunq__> OK, subzero, you're on.
<br>[07:05] <subzero> homunq__: I talked with him yesterday,, I think he won't come, he is not in nepal
<br>[07:05] <subzero> homunq__: ok
<br>[07:05] <homunq__> link and progress?
<br>[07:06] <subzero> I haven't posed yet (I'll do it today), I finished workin really morning
<br>[07:06] <subzero> but you can see my progress on git
<br>[07:07] <subzero> I'm currently working around i18n
<br>[07:07] <subzero> and the karma plugin
<br>[07:07] <subzero> I have dome out karma.localisation version and linked it with Gettext
<br>[07:08] <subzero> s/out/our
<br>[07:08] <subzero> <a href="http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/karma">git.sugarlabs.org/projects/karma</a>
<br>[07:09] <subzero> that's what I'm doing, and finally we have a jquery.karma.js (the plugin)
<br>[07:10] <homunq__> do you find the standard GetText search algorithm sufficient (ie, where it looks for translations)?
<br>[07:10] <subzero> <a href="http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/karma/repos/mainline/blobs/master/js/jquery.karma.localisation.js">http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/karma/repos/mainline/blobs/master/js/jquery.karma.localisation.js</a>
<br>[07:10] <subzero> nope
<br>[07:10] <subzero> It won't carry the <img>bla bla </img> elements
<br>[07:11] <subzero> I'm in the procress to add <img> supports
<br>[07:11] <homunq__> oh, that's not exactly what I was asking, but interesting.
<br>[07:11] <subzero> also
<br>[07:11] <subzero> there are two things
<br>[07:11] <subzero> 1. i18n for canvas content
<br>[07:11] <subzero> 2. i18n for karma content (outside canvas)
<br>[07:12] <homunq__> I meant, not where (text) it finds text for translating, but where (files and directories) it finds the translated result.
<br>[07:12] <subzero> you men something like /dir/dir/file ?
<br>[07:13] <homunq__> yeah, gettext's algorithm has seemed too inflexible to me in the past, so I was curious if it worked for you.
<br>[07:13] <subzero> (btw this is the last version jquery.karma.js: <a href="http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/karma/repos/mainline/blobs/master/js/jquery.karma.js">http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/karma/repos/mainline/blobs/master/js/jquery.karma.js</a>)
<br>[07:14] <subzero> nope, it work's for Image an Sound (inside canvas)
<br>[07:14] <subzero> s/work's/works/
<br>[07:15] <subzero> the second point is the problem (outside canvas)
<br>[07:16] <subzero> the truth is that I have to modify the Gettext file (I have done some changes)
<br>[07:17] <homunq__> that kind of change is the kind of thing that doesn't exist until it's fully documented.
<br>[07:18] <subzero> I'm agree. until now all the changes I've done to Gettext.js are in order to link karma plugin with it
<br>[07:18] <subzero> I will be working on that all this week
<br>[07:18] <homunq__> OK. Is there anything you need more feedback on?
<br>[07:19] <subzero> homunq__: well, I have a basic version of layers within canvas
<br>[07:20] <homunq__> so, you want more people to try it out, but no specific questions?
<br>[07:21] <subzero> I'm testing redrawing all the canvas tree (a bunh of drawings in z-order) vs several canvases
<br>[07:21] <subzero> well bascically I'm deciding what is the best: to cosume processor or to consume memory ?
<br>[07:22] <subzero> opinions? (related to the xo)
<br>[07:22] == dwmw2_gone has changed nick to dwmw2
<br>[07:22] <bemasc> depends how big your canvas is
<br>[07:23] <bemasc> canvas is 32-bit RGBA. 1200*900*4 = 4.3 MB per image at fullscreen on an XO.
<br>[07:23] <subzero> bemasc: uuh, thats a good point
<br>[07:23] <homunq__> I think we have to move on
<br>[07:23] <bemasc> so keeping 10 around would probably be a bad idea, but 3 might be ok.
<br>[07:24] <subzero> the problem around a simple canvas is that it will do a lot of math
<br>[07:24] <homunq__> not to belittle this question
<br>[07:24] <subzero> homunq__: I understand, thanks for reading
<br>[07:24] <homunq__> bemasc, do you want to go next?
<br>[07:25] <bemasc> ok
<br>[07:25] <subzero> bemasc: thanks for your advice
<br>[07:26] <bemasc> I released a new version of SharedTextDemo. <a href="http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2009-July/017004.html">http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2009-July/017004.html</a>
<br>[07:26] <bemasc> It's faster. I wrote some very fancy data structures. Now I'm looking for actual use cases.
<br>[07:27] <bemasc> I think I'm likely to start by adding live shared editing to Pippy.
<br>[07:27] <bemasc> That's all.
<br>[07:28] <homunq__> OK, cool
<br>[07:28] <homunq__> Silbe, let's go next.
<br>[07:28] <silbe> ok
<br>[07:28] <lucian> somewhat related, is psyco desirable on an XO ?
<br>[07:28] <lucian> (sorry silbe, go ahead)
<br>[07:29] <silbe> i have more or less finished changing sugar* to use the new datastore API
<br>[07:29] <silbe> started working with Tomeu on getting my changes into mainline
<br>[07:30] <silbe> some small fixes are already in, for the larger piece i've submitted for review he has requested some changes (mostly stylistic)
<br>[07:31] <homunq__> links?
<br>[07:31] <silbe> need to work on merging Tomeus latest changes (tree-view etc.) back into my tree so i get a working version again (the metacity stuff broke a lot)
<br>[07:32] <silbe> <a href="http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Version_support_for_datastore/Progress">http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Version_support_for_datastore/Progress</a> (still updating it, shame on me!)
<br>[07:34] <homunq__> OK.
<br>[07:34] <homunq__> Do you need feedback from anybody besides Tomeu right now?
<br>[07:35] <silbe> homunq__: i don't think so. of course suggestions from anyone else are welcome, but i don't block on them.
<br>[07:36] == sdziallas_ [n=<a href="mailto:sebastia@p5B047270.dip.t-dialin.net">sebastia@p5B047270.dip.t-dialin.net</a>] has joined #sugar-meeting
<br>[07:36] <homunq__> OK, then I think you're done. (To say "we" at this point would be hubris. Good job.)
<br>[07:37] <homunq__> Lucian?
<br>[07:37] <lucian> homunq__: here
<br>[07:37] <homunq__> You're on. Link and summary.
<br>[07:37] <lucian> i haven't gotten almost any word done the past few days, there are some complications about my accomodations for the next year
<br>[07:38] <silbe> homunq__: i don't think i'm really done yet, but thanks anyway. :)
<br>[07:38] <lucian> <a href="http://honeyweb.wordpress.com">http://honeyweb.wordpress.com</a>
<br>[07:38] <homunq__> silbe: I didn't mean done with the project, I meant done with your part of this meeting.
<br>[07:38] <homunq__> If you disagree, definitely speak up.
<br>[07:39] == sdziallas [n=sebastia@fedora/sdziallas] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
<br>[07:39] == sdziallas_ has changed nick to sdziallas
<br>[07:39] == m_stone [n=<a href="mailto:mstone@">mstone@</a>] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
<br>[07:39] <lucian> i pretty much have the SSB done
<br>[07:39] <silbe> homunq__: oh, ok. :)
<br>[07:39] <lucian> all future work is related to fixing ugly bugs (Gears warning, data URI downloading)
<br>[07:40] == m_stone [n=<a href="mailto:mstone@">mstone@</a>] has joined #sugar-meeting
<br>[07:40] <lucian> and perhaps injecting a window.sugar javascript object in pages
<br>[07:40] <lucian> with stuff like window.sugar.alert
<br>[07:40] <bemasc> don't forget gears-journal integration!
<br>[07:41] <lucian> bemasc: that should mostly work right now, i just can't test it properly
<br>[07:41] <bemasc> nice.
<br>[07:41] <lucian> there is one major enough area that i haven't worked on enough, collaboration
<br>[07:41] <homunq__> why can't you test it?
<br>[07:41] <lucian> homunq__: because of the Gears security warning bug, you can't accept it
<br>[07:42] <homunq__> oh. that's a bad bug.
<br>[07:42] <lucian> homunq__: i think i have a hack for that, but for some reason the buttons don't show in my jhbuild
<br>[07:42] <subzero> lucian: the freaky winwdow without buttons?
<br>[07:42] <lucian> subzero: yes
<br>[07:42] <bemasc> lucian: Google Docs is pretty good collaboration. So is Bespin.
<br>[07:43] <lucian> bemasc: but it's server-side. i want to offer some collaboration options for client-only html apps
<br>[07:43] <lucian> bemasc: like karma apps
<br>[07:43] <lucian> bemasc: XHR isn't well suited at all for this
<br>[07:44] <lucian> i think i should do like gears and simply offer a JS api for it, that uses the existing Sugar collaboration APIs in the background
<br>[07:44] <homunq__> so the Gears bug is in Gears itself... are you in touch with your upstream?
<br>[07:44] <lucian> homunq__: no, it's a pyxpcom bug
<br>[07:45] <bemasc> lucian: If I were doing this, I would separate out the collaboration logic, hide it behind a server running on localhost, and then use XHR.
<br>[07:45] <lucian> homunq__: tomeu found it and he has a fix, but it's not included yet
<br>[07:45] <lucian> bemasc: the main problem with that is that you need a way to find the localhost server
<br>[07:46] <lucian> bemasc: collaboration over the mesh works nicely in sugar right now
<br>[07:46] <lucian> bemasc: i'm not sure i even can duplicate it in JS with XHR
<br>[07:46] == sdziallas_ [n=<a href="mailto:sebastia@p5B047123.dip.t-dialin.net">sebastia@p5B047123.dip.t-dialin.net</a>] has joined #sugar-meeting
<br>[07:47] == sdziallas [n=<a href="mailto:sebastia@p5B047270.dip.t-dialin.net">sebastia@p5B047270.dip.t-dialin.net</a>] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
<br>[07:47] == sdziallas_ has changed nick to sdziallas
<br>[07:48] <lucian> bemasc: if i offer just stuff like window.sugar.send and let Browse handle the rest (like it does with bookmarks), it should be very simple to implement
<br>[07:48] <bemasc> lucian: well, I'll be curious to see what you come up with.
<br>[07:48] <homunq__> OK, sounds good.
<br>[07:48] <homunq__> Anything more to add?
<br>[07:49] <lucian> not really
<br>[07:49] <homunq__> Has anyone seen Vamsi or Andres?
<br>[07:51] <homunq__> I take that as a no.
<br>[07:51] <homunq__> Since my connectivity is really poor, I'd like help tracking them down.
<br>[07:52] <homunq__> (I'm actually in #@$$!$ vista right now for this meeting, and my step-father-in-law is breathing down my neck, that's how bad I have it.)
<br>[07:52] <silbe> homunq__: how about just sending them an email?
<br>[07:53] <homunq__> 'silbe: I will do that, and I'll copy the list.
<br>[07:53] <silbe> sounds good
<br>[07:54] <homunq__> Heh... I guess that one advantage of poor attendance is that the meetings wrap up in time.
<br>[07:55] <homunq__> subzero: I guess that means you have 5 more minutes to finish what I cut you off about :)
<br>[07:55] <silbe> not sure the marketing team meeting is going to happen anyway
<br>[07:55] <silbe> the last few times it wasn't
<br>[07:57] <homunq__> :)
<br>[07:57] == walterbender [n=<a href="mailto:chatzill@">chatzill@</a>] has joined #sugar-meeting
<br>[07:58] <homunq__> subzero, you were saying a simple canvas does a lot of math?
<br>[07:58] <subzero> yep
<br>[07:59] <subzero> what I'm doing is to create a elements-tree
<br>[07:59] <subzero> and redrawing all the tree from time to time
<br>[07:59] <subzero> this way we have z-index
<br>[08:00] <lucian> subzero: i'd really go for multiple canvases, if only for the cleaner separation
<br>[08:00] <subzero> yeah, I thought it was a better way, but Bemasc is rght about the huge size
<br>[08:01] <subzero> in multiple canvases
<br>[08:01] <silbe> subzero: IIUC you won't get hardware acceleration as well
<br>[08:02] <silbe> subzero: that might suck on slow processors
<br>[08:02] == lucian [n=<a href="mailto:lucian@sunjammer.sugarlabs.org">lucian@sunjammer.sugarlabs.org</a>] has quit ["Leaving..."]
<br>[08:02] <subzero> yes, I don't have hardware acceleration
<br>[08:03] <homunq__> OK, I have to go right now. I'll write that email later today.
<br>[08:03] <homunq__> Thanks for attending, people.
<br>[08:03] <subzero> the solution needs to be suitable for XO
<br>[08:03] <silbe> subzero: is xulrunner able to provide accelerated drawing at all?
<br>[08:04] <subzero> silbe: afaik, no<br>