[GSoC] Test; New GSoC; and where to find us

Devin Ulibarri devin at sugarlabs.org
Fri May 24 13:43:48 EDT 2024


We're getting ready for this summer's GSoC, and I'm trying to bring this 
list back to life.

If you're still subscribed from a prior year, now might be a good time 
to unsubscribe and consider joining us on one of the following channels 

  * https://matrix.to/#/#sugar:matrix.org <-- All things Sugar
  * http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel <-- Dev mailing list
  * http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep <-- Education-focused
    mailing list
  * https://mastodon.social/@sugar_labs <-- MicroBlogs
  * https://www.linkedin.com/company/sugar-labs/ <-- Like, if you're
    already on LinkedIn ;)

I'd also like to, on behalf of everyone at Sugar Labs, apologize for 
those of you who tried to subscribe in the past few years and are only 
now getting added to this mailing list. Just now, I added everyone who 
asked to be subscribed, so that, at the very least, you could see this 
message. Again, I'm sorry that we dropped the ball on this.

At any rate, please continue to stay in touch, either here or in another 




Learn more: https://sugarlabs.org

Help us grow: https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Donate
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