[GSoC] Interested in contributing to Sugar Labs

sparsh paliwal sparshpaliwal123 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 06:18:43 EST 2016

I am Sparsh Paliwal from NIT Durgapur, India. I am very much excited about
the projects posted on the sugar labs wiki. I have been contributing to
opensource for some time. Looking at the ideas I found the project aiming
to teach kids by making a game, loved it. I have already made a game Pogo
is on play store using unityscript (ES5). Also my previous opensource
contribution is majorly in javascript. I would love to be a part of sugar
Please can anyone guide me to start here. I tried hard to find your js
projects that were similar but found only one Turtleblock js. It would be
grateful of you ,if you can provide link to some js projects where I should

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