Hey All--<br><br>This is an update from Abbi and Mike from "Team <span class="il">PacMath</span>" on our final progress this quarter. Here is a link to our wiki for those who are unfamiliar: <a href="http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/PacMath" target="_blank">http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/<span class="il">PacMath</span></a><br>
<br>The work we have completed since the Hackathon includes:<br><ul><li>More (and more random) question sets, now including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division</li><li>Reworked level/scoring system</li><li>
Further reskinned map</li><li>New documentation</li></ul>At this time, we do not feel that PacMath is quite ready to be released and therefore we don't have a set date at this time. Mike and I do plan on continuing with the project next quarter and we welcome anyone who would like to help us get it to the point where it is ready to be released.<br>
<br>Our git repo can be accessed at <a href="http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/pacmath/" target="_blank">http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/<span class="il">pacmath</span>/</a><br><br>-- Abbi Honeycutt and Mike Kitson<br>