Hey All--<br><br>This is an update from Abbi and Mike from "Team PacMath" on our recent progress this quarter. Here is a link to our wiki for those who are unfamiliar: <a href="http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/PacMath">http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/PacMath</a><br>
<br>We got alot of work done at the Hackathon last week at the Innovation Center here at RIT including:<br><ul><li>Collision detection improvements</li><li>Reskinning game map and sprites</li><li>Lives and score</li><li>Pause screen<br>
</li></ul>In addition, the other improvements we have made this quarter include:<br><ul><li>True random question generation</li><li>Sugarization</li></ul>The improvements we plan to make by the end of the quarter include:<br>
<ul><li>More question sets (including addition, subtraction, division)</li><li>Better Sugarization</li><li>New documentation for teachers and students</li><li>Preparation for handoff</li></ul>Our git repo can be accessed at <a href="http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/pacmath/">http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/pacmath/</a><br>
<br>-- Abbi Honeycutt and Mike Kitson<br><br>