[math4] Project Idea - Tetris Like Game

Doug dpk3062 at rit.edu
Wed Sep 2 17:34:26 EDT 2009

Updates on Muthris:

I've been having Git problems ever since I joined joined Gitorious.  I
was finally able to push the Muthris changes from the end of June till
now.  Since RIT's Fall quarter is starting up, I don't expect to have
any more time to continue development.  I had initially expected to get
more done over the Summer, but I ended up taking seven summer courses. 
They took up most of my time. 

The project has decent documentation.  If you're good at Python, you
should be able to quickly get more of the project coded than I did.  I'm
not sure what happened to that one person who replayed (was through
email) to the first post saying he could do the project for me after he
learned how...

I was part of the RIT OLPC dev class last Spring.  It doesn't fit into
my schedule this upcoming quarter.

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